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Kuala Lumpur
April 21, 2024

GIIS KL Students Learn to Combat Cyberbullying

On the vibrant afternoon of April 3rd, 2024, Global Indian International School Kuala Lumpur (GIIS KL) Cambridge students from years 6 to 10 gathered for an epic battle – not against dragons, but against cyberbullying!

Teaming up with the awesome Rotary Club of Metro Kuala Lumpur and the National Coalition For Mental Wellbeing, our very own Cambridge crew learned from the amazing Mr. Benjamin, a superhero in the world of psychology. Empowered by his mind-blowing knowledge (he's a master in both clinical and child psychology!), Mr. Benjamin helped us see through cyberbullying's tricks.

He made it clear that cyberbullying can sting, even more than a playground bully. It can spread rumors faster than lightning and make us feel isolated even when surrounded by friends. He also shared with our students the tools to fight back – how to identify cyberbullying, dodge its attacks, and even stand up for those being targeted. Our students are taught the  importance of kindness and being a positive force online.

Remember, this battle against cyberbullying isn't just about us – it's about creating a stronger, more caring community, both online and off. This workshop aligned perfectly with our 9GEMS school's values of developing amazing personalities (Gem 4), embracing universal kindness (Gem 7), and fostering a supportive community (Gem 8), all while contributing to the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 16: Peace, justice, and strong institutions.

So, next time you see cyberbullying, don't just stand by – use your newfound cyber-powers to fight for what's right! Together, we can create a kinder, safer online world.

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